Views: 3 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-09-07 Origin: Site
Solar attic fans can also make the temperature of your home more comfortable overall and help prevent moisture and mould build-up in the attic, which can lead to wood deterioration and health problems.
In the heat and sticky humidity, residents often escape inside their homes to enjoy the comfort of air conditioning. What happens for those without proper insulation in their homes, or without air conditioning? Attics trap solar heat, which is then easily transferred to living spaces, forcing those with air conditioning to turn down their thermostats, which in turn leads to higher utility bills.
Without proper ventilation and air exchange, trapped humidity can damage insulation, deteriorate your roof, cause fungal rot, and delaminate plywood. Attic ventilation in the form of a solar attic fan can help, and since it's powered by the sun, you won't be using extra electricity. Solar attic fans help to disperse the heat and cool our attic, thus cooling our living space and lowering our electricity bills as the air conditioning unit doesn't have to work as hard and we don't have to keep playing with the thermostat to find a comfortable temperature.