What role does magnesium rod play in solar water heaters?

Views: 322     Author: Vickie     Publish Time: 2021-04-29      Origin: Site


What role does magnesium rod play in solar water heaters?

Magnesium rod is a kind of metal substance that softens water to prevent water from scaling. Magnesium rod is commonly known as magnesium anode, also known as anode magnesium block. It is used to prevent corrosion and soften the water quality of the metal tank of solar water heaters and electric water heaters. In the use of TISCO or manganese steel metal liner, the electrochemical anticorrosive sacrificial anode protection principle of the metal in the water is used to use the magnesium rod as the anode and the metal liner as the cathode. In this way, a galvanic cell is formed between the cathode and the anode through a conductive water medium. The anode of the battery-the magnesium rod, is consumed by corrosion, while the cathode-the metal inner conductor is protected.


In the solar water heater, the magnesium rod is installed in the middle of the metal inner tank. When the enamel coating on the surface of the metal liner is complete, the enamel shields the metal liner, the insulation resistance between the magnesium rod and the metal liner can reach more than 2MΩ, and the anode output current of the magnesium rod is almost zero. However, when the enamel liner partially cracks, a small resistance is formed between the magnesium anode and the metal liner through water. The magnesium anode starts to output current and flows to the exposed metal liner to produce a polarized film to repair the damage The enamel insulates the inner tank of Jinyu to prevent corrosion. Because the magnesium anode consumes itself when outputting current, it is called the sacrificial anode method.


Many users have been using Sunflower solar water heaters since they bought Sunflower solar water heaters. They don’t know that there are magnesium rods that silently protect the inner barrel of our water heaters. If the water quality is good, it will not cause any impact for several years or even more than ten years. If you are careful, you will find out. , The water in the water heater is not so much, or the water temperature is not high, this is that after the magnesium rod is exhausted, the scale formation is accelerated, and the formed scale is attached to the inner tank of the water heater and the vacuum tube wall of the solar water heater, and the more it gathers. Then it will fall off layer by layer or piece by piece, and the scale that falls off will gather at the bottom of the inner tank, and the solar water heater will gather at the bottom of the vacuum tube. This is the reason why the water is getting less and less. So why does solar water heater heat slowly? The vacuum tube of a solar water heater is like the heating tube in an electric water heater. Over time, there is a layer of drain on the inner wall of the vacuum tube, which also affects heat exchange. So the heating time will become slower and slower.


In the solar water heater, the magnesium rod is installed in the middle of the metal inner tank. When the enamel coating on the surface of the metal liner is complete, the enamel shields the metal liner, the insulation resistance between the magnesium rod and the metal liner can reach more than 2MΩ, and the output current of the magnesium (rod) anode is almost zero. However, when the enamel liner partially cracks, a small resistance is formed between the magnesium anode and the metal liner through water, and the magnesium anode starts to output current, which flows to the exposed metal liner to produce a polarized film to repair the damage The enamel insulates the inner tank of Jinyu to prevent corrosion. Because the magnesium anode consumes itself when outputting current, it is called the sacrificial anode method.


Generally speaking, the magnesium rods of solar water heaters need to be replaced every 2-3 years, and the magnesium rods of some low-quality electric water heaters will be exhausted after less than half a year. It is recommended that solar water heaters need to add or replace magnesium rods in 2-3 years according to the water quality.

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