These solar collector is a flat shape and composition of a large box different layers of the plate surface. At the top, there are one or a plurality of layers of glass sunlight falls on. Then, the light is absorbed by the absorber plate, is usually a metal plate such as copper or aluminum, which is maintained below the top cover. Around the absorber plate of the pipe water absorbs the heat from the absorber plate. The entire flat-plate collector box insulation and weather shield. Flat-plate collector solar water heater is the most commonly used.
FPC structure:
Casing: The casing contains all components of the collector and to protect them from the impact on the environment. The sleeve also makes collector sturdy and stable. The material used for the casing must be corrosion-resistant.
Seal: seal member of an elastic material, so as to prevent leakage and infiltration of rain water into the collection. The sealing material must be able to withstand the high temperature and ultraviolet (UV) radiation (in order to ensure the long-term life of 15 years or more.)
Transparent cover: protect the internal components of the collector's impact on the environment. Should have high transmission tempered glass the cooperative efficiency (close to 1). This also protects the internal components and the collector from the impact on the environment.
Insulation: the insulation on the back and side of the collector area heat loss reducing bad. Must also be able to withstand the highest temperature of the absorber plate of the insulating.
The absorber plate: heat-absorbing panels absorb solar energy and convert it into thermal energy. Absorbents selective coating on the highly conductive material, such as copper, the maximum absorption of the infrared radiation of the sun radiation and minimum transmit
Tube: fluid flowing through the collector collects heat from the absorber plate useful applications. Should be taken mainly in the process of conduction and convection heat transfer. Thus, a tube of high thermal conductivity material such as copper.
The main features of this set:
Resistance to environmental conditions (marine environment, rain, dust, hail, etc.)