What is included in a solar power system?

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-26      Origin: Site


What is included in a solar power system?

Off grid solar power system is mainly composed of solar panels, solar recharge controllers, inverters, batteries, solar PV combiner box, photovoltaic cables and brackets.

Off grid solar system can realize self power supply of electric equipment and is suitable for those places without public grid or where have electricity shortage often.

And it can be customized according to the specific use requirements of users to achieve the best cost performance. The following factors need to be considered in the design:

1,The daily electricity consumption determines the total power of the solar panels.

2,The model of the solar recharge controller is determined by the number of solar panels and batteries.

3,The capacity of the battery determines the total amount of power that can be stored.

4,The total power and category of the household appliance

5,Determines the model of the inverter.

6,Sun insolation in different places.

7,User habits and requirements.

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