Selection Of Solar Off-grid Inverter

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-11      Origin: Site


Selection Of Solar Off-grid Inverter

In off-grid solar electric systems, an inverter can be designed to power either a single AC device or all the AC loads to be plugged into. And the inverter must be sized to handle the peak electricity demand. Also, the inverter must also match the system voltage (ie the voltage of the battery and the charge controller).


1. Determine the total power of all household appliances that need solar power generation systems to supply power.

Simply put, it means that the selected inverter can supply power to all household appliances at the same time.

Usually, the continuous power of the inverter is chosen equal to the total installed power of the solar array (the watts-peak). The continuous rating can also be a bit higher than the total installed solar power but not too much higher since the inverter’s efficiency will decrease.

If you want to be sure whether an inverter of continuous rating equal to the installed power will be capable of handling all the loads in your household you intend to use at the same time, you should add the ratings of these appliances together.

What you get eventually must be less than the inverter’s continuous rating.Otherwise, you should either choose an inverter of a higher rating or think of reducing the number of the AC devices used simultaneously.

2. The input voltage of the inverter

Depending on whether your system voltage is 12V, 24V or 48V, your inverter should have an input voltage of 12V, 24V or 48V.

Therefore, the inverter must be able to handle all AC loads to be operated simultaneously. In addition, the inverter must be able to cope with the impact of these loads.


If you need to provide solar power for your home appliances, Sunflower can configure a suitable and safe solar off-grid solar power system for you.

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