The hot water is one of the main "criminals" that are hidden in your gas or electric bill every month. In fact, for most households, the hot water is the more large piece of second global use of energy. And it is relatively easy to see why. The hot water is a luxury that many of us are not willing to give, no matter that so self-sufficient that we want to be. We like the hot water for showers, laundry, washing dishes, etc.
In a single year, the electric water heater average costs $500 to work. Natural gas water heaters going a little better, with an average of 400 dollars in operating costs. That is a very high price to pay for the luxury of hot water. Other options include high-efficiency water tanks and tankless water heaters. And don't forget the solar option.
Solar water heaters are the latest in "green". Solar energy is clean, renewable power source than we have at our disposal. Solar energy is free and does not emit harmful gases and toxins when converted into energy for your home. In a nutshell, sunlight is abundant... and is not no power company property!
Solar water heaters are popular because they are simple and hassle-free. With a solar water heater, light from the sun don't have to be converted into electricity (such as that required to power an appliance in your home). To enjoy hot water with a solar heater, it will only be necessary to heat the water. And convert sunlight to heat source is very easy to do.
Do you ever has left a glass of ice water or iced tea when you are working outside or gardening? We all have at some point. With the time, almost none, in which ice melts, and the once cold drink is warmed. A solar water heater works almost the same way.
The mechanics of a solar water heater
Solar water heaters have two main parts: the solar collector and storage tank. (There are other parts and pieces, but for the sake of our card, we will focus on these two areas first.) A solar collector is a box isolated - like structure that is usually for optimal thermal insulation glazing. The solar collector has a main task: harnessing the power of the light from the Sun to convert sunlight to heat water. The storage tank then maintains the heated water.
There are two types of solar water heaters - passive and active. An active heater uses electric pumps to push the water through your system. The passive system does not. Instead, it uses only natural forces to do the job. And, as you would expect, the passive system is easier and less complicated (and therefore, less expensive).
There are two basic types of passive systems:
Batch: Batch processing system is as basic as you can get. The batch processing system is a water tank and a solar collector without any hose or pump. The water is heated in the inside of the tank. That is! The gravity and the natural convection move system hot water in your pipes. (The science update: natural convection is when the particles in the fluid change naturally as it increases the temperature.)
Thermosyphon: Do not leave the trip name up fantasy. In this system, the water tank is separated from the solar collector. Cold water moves through tubes in the solar collector. Natural convection pumps then hot water resulting in the storage tank. From the storage tank, the water moves in the House water pipes. It is only slightly different batch system.
Passive systems are generally used in warmer climates, because there is a lot of sunlight to operate the system altogether.
Active systems are used in colder climates and operate a little differently:
Direct: The water moves through the solar collector and storage tank in the use of electric pumps and controls.
Hint: Instead of directly heating water with the radiation of the Sun, the solar collectors use a "heat transfer" fluid, such as antifreeze, to help heat the water. The anti-freeze flows through pipes sealed in a heat exchanger, where it is surrounded by water. The water is heated by the antifreeze but does not mix with it. The water is pumped into the storage tank.
Drainback: Similar to the system indirectly, IP44 system also uses a heat transfer fluid. But instead of antifreeze, distilled water is typically used. And true to its name, once the distilled water is used, "drains again" in a separate tank to be used .
Almost all of these systems work in conjunction with the water heater electric or natural gas that you already have at home. While you will be able to use most of the time the solar water heater, electric or gas system can be turned on when the demand for hot water is high or too cold outside or sad for the power of the solar system.
Many reasons for solar energy
The best reason to go is the solar savings. You will save money on your gas or electric natural Bill immediately. Given that the hot water is the energy # 2 "sucker" for the majority of households, your Bill usually is reduced to half. If you live in a colder climate, the savings can be less than if you live in a climate that is extremely warm and sunny like Florida or Arizona.
Solar water heaters are also environmentally friendly. You will reduce the amount of pollution from carbon dioxide in the environment. It will not only be enjoying hot water, reduce you your carbon footprint at the same time.
REALTORS report that by adding a unit of your home solar water heater, you increase its value. That could pay in the long term, if you ever decide to sell your home.
Perhaps the most attractive factor, apart from the savings, is the ability to have hot water at any time, in any situation. When the light is gone, do not stop Shivering in a cold water shower. You can enjoy hot water at any time, provided you have the Sun.
Return on investment
The biggest drawback for owners who want to switch to solar water heaters, as you will have guessed, is the price. A solar water heater installed by a professional can cost between $1000 and more. You can save money by installing you... and you can even create your own. The most basic type, batch heater, you can construct a DIY project. With a little know-how and a lot of patience, you can build a process water heater batch for less than $100.
And don't forget, there are incentives often federal and State for the installation of solar energy and energy efficiency devices, which could make your purchase more affordable time come taxes.
If you live in a sunny climate and the use of tons of hot water, you'll quickly recover their costs. But if you live in colder climates and you regularly take five-minute showers, the return on investment will take a little time. But one thing is certain: the cost of electricity and natural gas are still only rise over time. The Sun is free... do you not use his power and be a little more self-sufficient?