3 Differences between Solar photovoltaic and thermal solar power success: funding, grants, and artificially low gas prices

Views: 1238     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2012-03-13      Origin: Site


Solar water heater systemTHe is not in dispute that the photovoltaic solar energy has grown more rapidly than the solar thermal energy in the United States. Why? I believe that there are three basic reasons. 1) More and better funding for photovoltaic solar thermal energy Banks and venture capitalists have loved solar PV for quite some time, and the reason is that the solar photovoltaic solar projects are profitable with purchasing power (PPP) agreements. Solar PPA for solar photovoltaics is a win - win. They offer low initial costs for the client while reducing energy costs. At the same time, banks and financiers are able to recover benefits over time by capturing all the solar incentives available, in addition to charge the customer a discount rate for energy that they consume. The funny thing is that solar thermal applications have not attracted the same win - win the attention of the banks and financial. As with the photovoltaic solar energy is possible solar meter and measure the production of domestic hot water and reduce the utility bills of gas in large commercial applications, such as hotels, condominiums, buildings of apartments, laundries, hospitals, nursing homes, and much more. The conclusion is that the bankers and financiers, others need to be better informed about solar thermal applications, the economy, and to develop more ways to finance projects. (2) subsidies and best for thermal solar PV Clean solar energy is clean solar energy, and Governments, however, seem to be more willing to subsidize solar energy electric clean solar water heating applications. If you are running the list of all available on the DSIRE Database grants, you will find many photovoltaic grants more and more rico-solares that for solar thermal. Once again, I think that the reason behind this inclination against solar thermal energy is the lack of awareness and understanding of the legislators about the benefits of solar thermal applications. Hot water and heating, air-conditioning, thermic solar installations could save consumers, companies and governmental centers thousands of dollars during the useful life of the system. In large installations, hundreds of thousands of dollars. The environment, solar thermal energy can not only reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, but also reduce the current trend in hydrofracking, a process that not only can harm the environment, but that they also contaminate drinking water. The solar thermal industry needs better solar lobbyists. Lobbyists are a bad word, know it, and yet effective putting me in front of legislators and explain the benefits of solar energy.3) Subsidized low gas pricesSolar panel system      Subsidies for the exploration of natural gas and other fossil fuels are not helping any consumer or company to consider the purchase of renewable solar photovoltaic and solar thermal.
    It is hypocritical that the federal Government to say that he wants to move the nation toward clean, renewable and non-polluting energy by encouraging the development of natural gas, at the same time allowing natural gas prices stay artificially low. Meanwhile, utilities are raising their coal electricity rates between 3% and 5% per year, so the photovoltaic solar energy more competitive.
    I'm not saying that gas is not going to play a role in our Nations in the short term of the energy portfolio, but soon our legislators promote more renewable solar alternatives to level the playing field and the Elimination of subsidies on gas, more solar jobs will be created, and, of course, more energy independent our country will be.
    Once again, the solution is better solar thermal lobbying. Solar photovoltaic and wind power companies have people in politics who are constantly talking with legislators. Thermal needs solar that same face to face representation.

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