solar water heater vs gas water heater

Publish Time: 2021-10-12     Origin: Site

Hot water is vital for those who fear taking cold showers. Historically, water heating became a thing, starting with heating water in the presence of solar radiation. However, it was slowly noticed that the heat from the sun was not enough to meet the demand, especially on nights when there was no sun. As a result, the need for safe hot water systems became apparent and led to the development of two main systems; namely solar hot water systems and gas hot water systems. These two heating processes involve two different types of energy, installation processes and different levels of efficiency.

Solar hot water systems

As the name implies, a solar heating system relies heavily on solar energy. It uses a heating deck system to concentrate solar radiation on heated water. Typically, these types of heating systems are readily available in areas with a year-round warm climate. In temperate regions, however, solar heating can be a problem.

Three types of solar heating systems are currently available.

Collector panels: Each solar heating unit has a flat plate collector that absorbs the heat from the sun and transfers it to a water tank filled with water. This is the cheapest type of solar water heating system, but is not very efficient in cold, cloudy weather. The system can be installed on the roof of a house or on the ground. The tank is then connected to a pipe where it can be accessed.

Heat pump system: In this heating system, sunlight is collected to heat the air, which is used to heat the water. An electric motor is used to pump the air into the chamber to heat the water.

Vacuum tube collector: A piece of glass tube is installed to collect sunlight, which heats the water in the container by radiation. It is more efficient than a flat plate collector, but more expensive than the other two systems.

Advantages of solar water heating systems

1. Solar water heating systems reduce electricity and gas bills

2. Low maintenance costs for heating systems

3. Solar heating systems are environmentally friendly

4. Easy to install and maintain

5. Provides renewable energy

Disadvantages of solar water heating systems

1. Upfront installation costs are usually expensive

2. Heating systems depend on climate and sunlight

3. Heating systems can only heat water

4. Seasonal changes affect heating efficiency

5. The amount of hot water depends on the tank capacity

Gas fired hot water systems

Gas hot water is a heating system for homes with existing gas pipes. Portable LPG storage tanks are available as an option where a gas line is not available. A gas hot water system uses combustion to heat water and deliver it throughout the house. It is more efficient than solar as it remains effective even in cold weather and cold climates.

There are two main types of gas-fired water heating systems

Gas continuous heating: it is a tankless water heating system where the water passes through an elbow heated by a gas heater. The system provides a constant flow of hot water, hence the name. It is a cost effective and space saving water heating option as it does not require a tank.

Hot water cylinder: This type of water heater is the traditional water heater seen in many homes today. It consists of a tank heated by a gas stove with a pump that delivers hot water throughout the house.

Advantages of gas fired water heating systems

1. Cost-effective water heating system

2. Fast heating of water

3. constant supply of hot water

4. low energy consumption for heating

5. Electronic system to regulate water temperature

6. convenient water heating system

7. Reliable even in cold climates

Disadvantages of gas-fired hot water systems

1. potential for problems in the event of power cuts and outages

2. Possibility of mould contamination

3. Contribution to the carbon footprint of the environment

4. High upfront cost of installation

5. requires ongoing inspection and maintenance

6. requires considerable indoor space for installation

7. Shorter lifespan compared to solar water heaters

8. Ongoing threat of accidents due to the presence of volatile gases

Solar water heating systems are designed to harness the abundant energy from the sun. If one could harness all the solar energy hitting the earth in one hour, the entire world would consume the same amount of energy in a year. The move towards green energy is therefore a major advantage of solar energy systems. However, in terms of efficiency, solar energy depends entirely on the output of the sun, the weather and the time of day. With a gas-fired hot water system, consumers have access to hot water every time, regardless of the time of day, season or weather conditions that arise. Power outages can be annoying, but gas burners can easily be used as an alternative. The downside of natural gas power is the carbon emissions it releases into the environment.

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