Why we choose solar water heaters?--Benefits of solar water heating

Views: 1527     Author: Sunflower     Publish Time: 2012-08-23      Origin: Site


Solar Water heating system could be used In different climates
Nowadays, the technologies of Solar hot water can be worked efficiently and affordably in any climates. Solar Water heating systems are specifically designed for all kinds of climatic and geographical areas of the countries.
Saving and reducing energy costs

By using a Solar water heating system, a typical family could meet 60 to 90 percent of their demands for hot water. In southern climates, a Solar water heater unit can meet nearly 100 percent of a household's hot water needs.

heat pipe solar collector

Efficient technology approval
At present, there are more than 300,000 Solar Water Heaters which are installed (expect swimming pool applications) and because the results turn out be that these systems are very efficient and reliable, so the number of installations continues are growing by the thousands year by year.
Environment protection and promotion
By reducing the demands for fossil fuels, it will improve the environment by reducing air pollution and water pollution as well as the heat-trapping gases that cause global warming. Although it cost a little bit more at the beginning for installation, a carbon free Solar Water Heating system will save clients much money in the long run as the sun's energy will always be free.

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